November 27, 2009

References from the lecture

Hi everyone, really nice to see your projects yesterday! I'm really looking forward to hearing what you develop during the coming weeks. Here is a list of references from the lecture and also the Minnie Bruce Pratt text is interesting for the psycho-geography group. Take care and e-mail either me or Annika if you have any questions, our e-mails are and

Yours in struggle, ed. Elly Bulkin, Minnie Bruce Pratt, Barbara Smith (NY:Long Haul Press, 1984) Chapter: Identity: Skin Blood Heart by Minnie Bruce Pratt.

Interesting to read in combination to that is Feminism without Borders: Decolonizing Theory, Practicing Solidarity,Chandra Talpade Mohanty, around page 85

Chantal Mouffe (On the Political, 2005) on the post-political

“cross-cladd”, an expression coined by Bonnevier, Katarina, Behind Straight Curtains: Towards a Queer Feminist Theory of Architecture, (Axl Books, Stockholm, 2007).

Altering practices, Edited by Doina Petescu, (Routledge, London, 2007)

(…) we were writing from an architectural perspective that can be read from other perspectives as well, including art or performance. The group has moved away from the aim of representation (as seen in many public art projects), and from an understanding of the architectural space as space formed by objects in relation to one another, to a more political understanding of the time-space relationship. The notion of participation has shifted from a participation in the production of objects to a spatial participation. The aims are no longer to be ‘included’ or ‘represented’ but to participate directly from a different position. This is the legacy of Alterities: ‘difference becoming a tool for’ taking.

Bakhtin, Mikael. [1941, 1965] Rabelais and His World. Indiana University Press, Bloomington. 1993.

Butler, Judith. Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity (1990), (London & New York: Routledge, 1999).

Moura Guedes: “Flexibility could be described as the ease with which a system or component can be modified for use in applications or environments other than those for which it was specifically designed. … Why is flexibility important? Because it allows us to respond to a context that is changing, at an ever increasing pace and producing unexpected, sometimes disruptive, results”

De Beauvoir, Simone The Second Sex. Edition Gallimard, (Paris, 1st Edition 1949)

Arquitectura parabólica – a comparative object, in the Swedish periodical Glänta

There are instances where people have not been evicted in spite of putting up satellite dishes on the façade to their residential buildings. A few families in the suburb of Rinkeby in Stockholm escaped eviction recently since the freedom of information was assessed as more pressing than the violation of the law for the right of tenancies’ remarks and regulations on “soundness, order, behaviour and good conditions” in the estate.

– You are threatening to hurt others, yes your neighbours, the satellite dishes are not only ugly, but they can also fall down and thwart the access for the rescue services agency in case of an emergency!

Douglas, Mary, Purity and danger, an analysis of concepts of Pollution and Taboo (1966), New York, 1995

On Ugliness, ed. Umberto Eco, translation Alastair McEwen, Rizzoli, 2007.

Sandqvist, Tom, Det fula, Raster, Stockholm, 1998.