This project starts at setting a perspective to conceive site as a social construction that envisages and shapes relationship of powers rather than of neutral values. Train system hides people's characters hence gloomy atmosphere is created. How this value constitutes norms, results how people behave and use this urban space, and affects relationship between each other?
We can change the routine of the city living for the better by an alternative movement and embodied experience. From this experiment, I find this plain grouping suggested by signages on platform is enough to enables voluntary knowledge dissemination-- free and classless; and offers a refreshing beneficial time of a day. It simply allows human inner to unfold.
'YOGA VAGN' is one example activity that can take place in the commute. It alters everyday compulsory time wasting -- qualitatively and quantitatively.
Note: This work is prepared in synchronization with an entry to 'the fun theory' competition.